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Chew Valley School Transport

Local Authority Transport (in Catchment Areas)

Most lower school students who live in the Area of Prime Responsibility but more than three miles from the school are usually entitled to Local Authority transport to school.  These services are contracted by Bath and NE Somerset Council and North Somerset Council. 

Enquiries about the provision of bus passes, times of pick-up and location of bus stops need to be directed to the relevant council.  If you are entitled to free transport you should expect to receive a letter and pass directly from the Local Authority in August.  Students should carry their bus pass with them at all times as coach drivers and staff on bus duty may ask to see this.

Bath and NE Somerset Council – School Transport 01225 394312.

North Somerset Council – School Transport 01934 888 888.


School Transport (out of Catchment Areas)

For students who live outside the catchment area, it is the responsibility of parents/carers to ensure they can make arrangements for their child/ren to travel to and from school.  There is currently a South Bristol bus which is full.  Parents/carers are welcome to join a waiting list for a place on the South Bristol Bus. For more information please contact

Children who live outside the normal area served by the school may be given permission to travel on in catchment school bus, providing there is a space.  Application forms are available from the Local Authority - please contact them directly.