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Our Staff

Our Staff 2024/25

Jo Ashman

Head of Design and Technology

Tom Attfield

Head of Computing

Samantha Badger

Student Reception / Cover Officer
Ania Bakhun

Teaching Assistant (Ukrainian Speaking)

Elizabeth Bainbridge

Drama Teacher/Internal Alternative Provision

Donna Beachgood

Teacher of Art

Gareth Beynon


Amy Bibbs

Deputy Head of Maths

Victoria Black


Joe Blann

Head of Rodney House / Teacher of PE

Ann Booker

Teacher of History

Sally Bott

Teacher of Science

Alana Brady

Teaching Assistant

Jenna Brice

Pastoral Administrator / Library Assistant

Claire Brooke

Teacher of Maths

Cheryl Brown

Deputy Head of English

Abigail Cammish

Teacher of English

Tatjana Carle

KS4 Maths Co-ordinator

Dean Charles

Senior ICT Technician

Mike Chidzey

Site Operative

Mandy Clarke

Year 6/7 Transition

Nicola Clayton-Jones

Teacher of English

Celia Clement

Head of House (Rodney) / Teacher of PE

Phil Cocks

Deputy Headteacher

Steve Conway

Head of Performing Arts

Nicola Crocker

Science Technician

Anya Cruse

Teaching Assistant

Suzanne Daly

Teacher of PE

Christina Dilger

Teaching Assistant
Jane Dite

Science Technician

Emily Dobbs

DT and Art Technician

Toby Dunford

Teacher of Geography

Daisy Dymond

Teacher of Dance

Kate Edwards

Teaching Assistant

Deborah Elsom

Data Manager

Mark Farley

Facilities Manager

Fiona Farquhar

Teaching Assistant

Julie Farr

Careers Advisor

Katie Fenlon

6th Form and Careers Administrator
Josie Finnegan

Finance Manager

Ella Fletcher

Head of Sociology & Key Stage 4 Health and Social Care

Charlotte Foley

Teacher of PE Teacher / Primary Sports' Co-ordinator

Francine Fry

Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Jane Gardiner

Head of  ICT and Business

Clare Goldsmith

Teaching Assistant

Rhian Gordon


Jamie Haigh

Teacher of Maths

Jane Hallt

Site Operative

Marie Harkin

Teacher of Design and Technology

Charlene Hathaway

HR Officer

Lucy Hayes

Teaching Assistant

Sarah Hayes

Teacher of Maths

Suzanne Hayes

Teacher of Science

Daniel Henley

Assistant Headteacher

Jo Hibbert

Head of Physical Education

Karen Hobbs

Senior Science Technician

Lucy Hodgson

Head of Chemistry

Jenny Hollow

Senior Administrator

Emma Hosgood

Teacher of Science

Wendy Ilderton

Teacher of PSRE

Vesela Ilieva

Educational Visits Co-ordinator

Gareth James

Head of English

Harriet John

Director of Sixth Form Studies / Teacher of Maths

Gareth Jones

Teacher of PE /House and Enrichment Co-ordinator

Lucy Jones

Teacher of English

Melanie Kaye

Behaviour Support Co-ordinator/Teaching Assistant

David Kenny

Teacher of DT

Hannah Kenyon

Assistant Headteacher

Emma Knight

Teacher of English (Maternity Leave)

Natalie Lane

Headteacher's PA / Clerk to the Governing Body

Frankie MacDonald

Head of Biology

Kirsty Martin

Head of Psychology & Head of Key Stage 5 Health and Social care

Melissa McDonald

HLTA (Literacy)

Dean Matthews

Site Operative

Rebecca Merry

Teaching Assistant

Sam Monk

Second in Physical Education

Ashleigh Moreton

Head of Moreton House / Teacher of Computing and Business Studies

Naomi Morris

Teacher of Art

Josie Murphy

Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages

Lilli Murphy

Head of Science
Ryan Myles-Roberts

Teacher of Maths

James Newton

Second in Science

Isabelle Nicolas

Teacher of Languages

Kelly Noel

Behaviour Support Co-ordinator

Kelly Norfolk

Senior Administrator

Gail Nunn

Finance Officer

Tracy O'Brien

Head of History

Whitney O'Carroll

Resources Assistant

Simon O'Connell

Head of Art

Imke Ohlendorf

Higher Level Teaching Assistant

Alan Parsons

Second in Design and Technology

Leeanne Parsons

Teaching Assistant

Kelly Peace

Teacher of Languages

Alasdair Peachey

Teacher of Science

Freya Pope

Teaching Assistant

Louise Pope

Head of PSRE

Freya Pope

Teaching Assistant

Alison Powell

Teacher of English

Cameron Ree

Teacher of English

Helen Robinson

Head of MFL 

Emma Rogers

Pastoral Administrator

Jane Rogers

Teacher of English

Lucy Rowell

Finance Administrator

Kate Rowlands

Deputy Headteacher

Ewan Sanderson

Head of Media

Chloe Saxton

Teacher of Design and Technology

Julie Seeley

School Business Manager

Olena Shapovalova

Teaching Assistant (Ukrainian Speaking)

Elizabeth Shuttleworth

Head of Geography/Change and Create

Samantha Sibanda

Teacher of Religious Education

Tetiana Slobodian

Teaching Assistant

Martha Slocombe

Teacher of PE and ICT

Jamie Smart

Site Operative

Eleanor Smith

Teacher of RE

Becky Smith

Teacher of Science

Nicky Sommer

Teaching Assistant

Elinor Springett

Teacher of English/Learning Resource Centre Manager

Paul Stinchcombe

Head of Music

Ben Stirling-Turner

Assistant Headteacher

Lucy Sweet

Teaching Assistant

Helen Sykes

Deputy Head of Languages

Julie Tantram

Pastoral Support and Safeguarding Officer

Rose Taylor

Teacher of Geography/Environmental Co-ordinator

Karin Taynton


Justine Thorley

Teacher of Art

Elise Tingle

Deputy Head of Modern Foreign Languages

Mike Turner

DT Technician

Aparna Vaid

Teacher of Science

Daniel Van Grudgings

Head of Hauteville House / Teacher of PE

Johanne Verrall

Senior ICT Technician

Sarah Waddington

Teaching Assistant

Jonathan Walford

Teacher of Science

Hayley Wallace

Head of Mathematics

Helen Warren

Library Assistant

Ian Whitehead

Site Operative

Louise Whitehead

Exams Officer

Victoria Whitehouse

Teacher of Modern Foreign Languages

Christine Williams


Katie Williams

Attendance Administrator

Jessica Wilson

Teacher of History

Anna Witcher

HLTA (Maths)

Hannah Wynn

Teacher of Maths

Ros Yates

Teacher of Geography