KS4 History
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What do you study?
History GCSE allows you to investigate the most important advances in medicine from the time of the Black Death, through early plastic surgery, right up to advances in cancer and genetic treatments. We find out about influential individuals in our medical past and how their innovations and world events impact our health.
Study the fascinating world of Tudor England - learn how Elizabeth I navigated a world of death threats, spies and possible religious invasions. At the same time dealing with poverty at home, in an age famous for Shakespeare, world travel and the beginnings of football as we know it.
The modern depth study will answer all your questions about growing up in Germany while Hitler was in power. What was it about the German economy, the social situation in the 1930s and the political situation that allowed Hitler to take power?
Why study GCSE History?
History at GCSE is an exciting and stimulating course, requiring an interest in people, their beliefs and actions and their impact on the world. Then and now.
- We examine historical sources and evaluate their importance and reliability in order to reach well informed opinions.
- You will develop your critical analysis skills, we study the reasons for change in the past, the significance of these changes and who these changes are most significant for.
- You will learn to use your historical knowledge to make overall judgements on significant events and people or assess how convincing you find historical interpretations.
How is the course assessed?
There are three exam papers which account for 100% of the total mark graded 1-9 with 9 being the highest.
The skills developed in History support development across many other GCSE subjects and are valued by educators and employers beyond A-Level study. The History Course is designed to introduce you to the exciting nature of historical inquiry and these skills are further developed in the Advanced Level History course in Years 12/13.
The work covers 5 programmes of study, examined in 3 papers:
- Thematic Study and Historic Environment: Medicine in Britain, c.1250-present, and The British sector of the Western Front, 1914-18: injuries, treatment and the trenches
- Period Study and British Depth Study: The American West c1835-c1895 and Early Elizabethan England, 1558-1588
- Modern Depth Study: Weimar and Nazi Germany, 1918-39.