KS4 Art
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What do you study?
This is a two-year GCSE course. During these two years, some of the most important skills you will be expected to develop are:
- Learning to draw and express yourself through mark making, using a wide variety of materials and techniques.
- Researching, referencing, refining and emulating many different artists and designers and finding inspiration through their methods of working.
- Independent and sustained study in class and at home.
- Refining initial ideas, improving and focusing, culminating in a successful final piece.
Why study GCSE Art?
Art is a creative subject that promotes and encourages independent resourceful, ingenious, self-disciplined learning. Students achieving grades 9-5 could go on to study Art (Fine Art), Textiles or Photography at A level.
You will study and practise a broad range of skills, techniques, themes and artists. Although the majority of your assessed work will be developed in your sketchbooks, you will also be expected and encouraged to produce a number of quality, 2D/3D pieces of ‘finished’ artwork to complete your portfolio.
How is the course assessed?
60% Coursework Portfolio and 40% OCR-set task (Exam). Graded 1-9 with 9 being the highest
There are four Assessment Objectives that carry equal weight. Your coursework portfolio and your final set task (exam) will be marked under:
- Develop – 25%. Ideas and investigations informed by research into art and artists
- Experiment – 25%. Select and use materials, techniques and processes
- Record – 25%. Drawing and recording observations
- Present – 25%. A personal and informed response, connecting ideas, research and observations as a final piece.
40% is based on the OCR-set task (exam). You will have a 10-hour practical, (run over two days, under exam conditions) to present a personal response. All the preparation work for the set task is produced in the weeks beforehand and is an important element of your assessment.