KS3 ICT and Computing
Year 7 Units
Term 1
Need to Know
Getting to know the Chew Valley Computer System, creating an ‘about me’ presentation, a baseline test, One Drive and Teams, Email, Keyboard and typing test.
Mid-term Assessment: Baseline assessment.
Final Assessment: Presentation for new students on our network.
Term 2
Internet Safety
Social media, online bullying, screen time, social media pressures, online fraud, personal and selfie safety.
Mid-term Assessment: E-safety Quiz. Final assessment Poster and PowerPoint on E Safety.
Term 3
Basic spreadsheets terminology and skills, use of formula and functions, creating a working multiply choice quiz with a scoring system.
Mid-term Assessment: Spreadsheet so far quiz.
Final assessment: Creating an interactive quiz using Excel.
Term 4
Introduction to Programming
Python programming and computational thinking including algorithms.
Mid-term Assessment: Computational Thinking knowledge quiz
Final Assessment: Creating a multiple choice quiz, with score using Python.
Term 5 & 6
Computer Forensics
Including the history of computing binary logic and code cracking, inside a computer, ciphers, inputs and outputs, reliability and bias.
Mid-term Assessment: Quiz on hardware and software.
Final Assessment: To create a ‘fake news’ newspaper article.
Year 8 Units
Term 1
Algorithms - Pseudocode and Flowcharts
Mid-term Assessment: Key word quiz (self marking).
Final Assessment: Written assessment on knowledge.
Term 2
Cyber Security
Mid-term Assessment: Key term self-marking quiz.
Final Assessment: Final written assessment on knowledge from topic.
Term 3
Level 1 Programming
Python programming and computational thinking. Creating a quiz, read and write to files and use of functions.
Mid-term Assessment: Programming key terms quiz.
Final Assessment: Creation of a capital cities/flag quiz using Python. Should have a score and these saved externally.
Terms 4 & 5
Cinema Project
Design advertisements, making a trailer for the movie. Then fast forward to owning a cinema chain and create a user interface for a cinema booking system.
Mid-term Assessment: Moviemaker knowledge check.
Final Assessment: Creation of an electronic signpost which will allow users to select available seats, snacks and films at the click of a button!
Term 6
Learn the purpose and to use and search a flat bed and relational database using Access.
Final Assessment: Creation of a database.
Year 9 Units
Term 1
Advanced iMedia Magazine Cover
Students research and then create using graphic design software a realistic magazine cover.
Term 2
Advanced Programming and Algorithms
Pseudocode and programming.
Mid-term Assessment: Programming key terms reminder.
Final Assessment: Finished version of a Computer Science style programming project.
Term 3
Advanced iMedia – Superheroes
Video, animations and storyboards.
Mid-term Assessments: iMedia key terms reminder.
Final Assessment: Storyboard along with an animation and video for a superhero story of your choice.
Term 4
Advanced Computer Logic
Counting binary, converting binary, hex and denary, logic gates and truth tables.
Mid-term Assessments: Binary and Hex conversion knowledge check.
Final Assessment: End of term online test on all topics
Term 5
App Creation
Creating a working app using Appshed on internet safety.
Mid-term Assessments: Advanced internet safety knowledge check.
Final Assessment: Planning, creating and evaluating an online safety app.
Term 6
Advanced Dashboards
Creating and analysing an interactive, digital dashboard using macros, V lookups, and pivot tables.
Mid-term Assessments: Spreadsheet key terms knowledge test.
Final Assessment: Creation of the Digital Dashboard.