KS3 Aspire
Year 7 to Year 9
Term 1
A focus on themselves and their leadership skills. Raising awareness of the qualities, skills and characteristics needed to be a successful leader.
Term 2
This term students use to Careerpilot (or reintroduced for Y8 & Y9) to make plans for their future careers. Y9 will enjoy some subject tasters sessions for options.
Term 3
Students will be introduced to business, finance and enterprise skills. They will be taking on challenges setting up businesses and deploying their entrepreneurial skills.
Term 4
Students return to Careers this term, engaging with more detailed exploration of the work of work.
Term 5
In the run up to end of year exams, students will be taught explicitly how to study for exams. They will learn about developing their recall and retention skills.
Term 6
Leadership challenges will be part of this term including our Enrichment week activities.